Friday, March 4, 2011

new uses for the bathroom ( from

Berry basket bathroom caddy
Baking soda used to clean drain

To get your drain running again (without resorting to chemicals worthy of a hazmat suit) pour ½ cup soda, then ½ cup vinegar, down a clogged drain. Cover it with a wet cloth, wait 5 minutes, uncover, and flush with steaming-hot water.
Wood crate used to hold shirts and towels
Bathroom mirror used as message board
Leave a message that’s impossible to overlook. Write quick reminders (Pick up dry cleaning) or encouraging notes (Good luck today!) with a dry-erase marker.
Soda bottle placed in toilet tank
Waste less water. Fill a plastic bottle with liquid and place it in the tank of an old toilet (not a high-efficiency one). That way, it will require less resources to refill.
Window box used to hold towels
Towel rack used as a toiletry organizer
Shaving cream and nail polish

Coat the bottom of a shaving-cream can to fend off rust rings on the ledge of the tub.